One and Two Person Shows: |
2013 |
Grids, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY (solo) |
Kukla / Hoferer, Tenri Cultural Institute Gallery (2 person) |
2011 |
New Work, DM Contemporary, New York, NY (solo) |
2009 |
Shades of Light, New York Public Library, New York, NY (solo) |
1991 |
Paintings and Sculpture, Gallery Chagall, Ostrava, Czech Republic (solo) |
1990 |
Escultura y Pintura, Galeria El Foro, Madrid, Spain (solo) |
1987 |
New Work, Christine Price Gallery, Castleton, VT (solo) |
1986 |
Quarries of Vermont, Moon Brook Gallery, Rutland, VT (solo) |
Group Shows: |
2013 |
Work Drawings, Fulton Street Gallery, Troy, NY |
Art Prague, with Art Traffic NL/CZ, Prague, Czech Republic |
2012 |
The Summer Show, DM Contemporary, New York, NY |
Art Prague, with Art Traffic NL/CZ, Prague, Czech Republic |
Paper Band, Jason McCoy Gallery, New York, NY (curated by Stephanie Simmons) |
The Garbage Barge Revisited: Art from Dross, Islip Art Museum, Islip, NY |
Global Paper II, Stadtmuseum Deggendorf, Deggendorf, Germany |
Of White, Nueartlink Gallery, Westport, CT |
Silverpoint Show, Jule Collins Smith Museum of FIne Art, Auburn, AL |
White Show; Part Two, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, PA |
Heart and Art, DM Contemporary, New York, NY |
Still Spot, Skylight Gallery, Chelsea, NYC, NY |
Life Inside and Out, 156 at 308 Project Space, NYC, NY (curated by Leslie Kerby) |
Mic:Check Occupy, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY |
2011 |
Plain, Gymnasia Herzilya, Tel Aviv, Israel | Curator: Guy Morag Tzepelewitz |
Black and White; extreme value, NYIT Gallery 61, New York, NY |
Summer Show, DM Contemporary, New York, NY |
The White Show, Clarion University Art Gallery, Clarion, PA |
Silver Points of Departure, Tinney Contemporary, Nashville, TN |
Marked Differences, Kentler International Drawing Center, Brooklyn, NY |
Its a Fine Line | Obsession and Will, DM Contemporary, New York, NY |
Sofia Paper Art Biennial, Sofia, Bulgaria |
Divergent Affinities, Wexler Gallery, Philadelphia, PA |
2010 |
Luminous Line, Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery, Scripps College, Claremont, CA |
No More, No Less,, Figment, Governors Island, NYC, NY |
Black & White, Metaphor Contemporary Art Gallery, Brooklyn, NY |
Degrees of Density, Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, AR |
Degrees of Density, Columbus College, Columbus, GA |
2009 |
Organic White, Friedman Galerie, Berlin Germany |
Degrees of Density, Selections from the Kentler flat files, curated by Marilyn Symmes (Zimmerli Museum)
Kentler International Drawing Center, Brooklyn, NY |
2008 |
Annual Benefit Show, Kentler International Drawing Center, Brooklyn, NY |
2007 |
Annual Benefit Show, Kentler International Drawing Center, Brooklyn, NY |
2006 |
Little Red Schoolhouse Benefit, I-20 Gallery, New York, NY |
2005 |
Annual Benefit Show, Kentler International Drawing Center, Brooklyn, NY |
2004 |
Flat File Selections , Matzofiles, New York, NY |
1997 |
Triad II, Kunst Haus Renannia, Cologne, Germany |
1996 |
Triad I, No Bias, Bennington, VT |
1992 |
Sommer Austellung, Hochschule der Kunste, Berlin, Germany |
1992 |
Freie Berliner Kunstaustellung, FBK, Berlin, Germany |
Grants & Residencies: |
2011 |
VCCA Moulin a Nef, Auvillar, France |
2010 |
VCCA, Amhearst, VA |
2009 |
Loft Nota Bene, Cadaques, Spain |
Collections: |
Apple Computer, Cupertino, CA |
Education: |
1992 |
Hochschule der Kunste (HdK), Berlin, Germany |
1987 |
BFA, Castleton State College, Castleton, VT |